Salvation to the Nations
Steve Herzig
God used the redemption of three men to spread the Good News throughout the earth (Acts 8—10).
The ‘Locusts’ Are Coming!
David M. Levy
Here is a look at the future Day of the Lord in Joel 1—3.
The ‘Peace and Safety’ Test
Mike Stallard
First Thessalonians 4—5 helps explain why the Day of the Lord supports a pretribulational Rapture.
The Signal Event of the Day of the Lord
Randall Price
To what Jewish temples do the words destruction and desolation apply? Are we in the Day of the Lord today? The answers lie in 2 Thessalonians 2:1–5.
Out With the Old World, In With the New
Bruce Scott
A great conflagration is coming, as prophesied in 2 Peter 3.
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Answering the Call
Steve Herzig
Four Friends of Israel workers share how they obeyed God’s call to “go into all the
world and preach the gospel.”
John the Baptist: His Purpose and Passion
Dan Price
Commitment. Zeal. Fire. John demonstrated them all to prepare the Jewish people for the coming of their Messiah.
Jesus and John
Mike Stallard
Here is a look at John the Baptist’s relationship to the Messiah of Israel.
Speaking Truth to Power
Cameron Joyner
John the Baptist boldly confronted the religious and political rulers of His day.
The Greatest Messenger
Paul Pierce
John’s was the voice crying in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord!”
The Death of John the Baptist
Peter Colón
John’s life and death call us to faithfulness in the darkness.
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Do You Believe in Miracles?
Steve Herzig
Here is a look at seven of Jesus’ miracles and the wonderful truths they reveal about the Jewish Messiah.
Marriage: The Beginning of Meaning
Timothy Rabinek
Through marriage, we glimpse the depths of God’s investment in humanity.
Reflections of the Trinity
Steve Conover
God’s beautiful design for marriage reflects the perfect relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Safeguarding God’s Ancient Landmark
Bruce Scott
There is a reason God gave us boundaries and landmarks. And when they’re removed, trouble isn’t far behind.
Feasting at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Mike Stallard
If you’re a believer in Jesus, a wedding and a feast in your honor are coming.
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It Pays to Talk to the Right Person
Steve Herzig
It’s never too late to place your faith in Jesus—even if you’ve rejected Him for 99 years.
Understanding Gog and Magog
Mark Hitchcock
Who is Gog? Some think he could be Vladimir Putin. Here’s a look at what Gog and Magog are all about.
Is Gog’s Invasion Imminent?
Paul Pierce
When will Gog invade Israel? There are many good views, but one seems most logical.
The Question Is WHY?
Tom Simcox
What does Israel have that Gog and his hordes will want?
No Weapon Formed
David M. Levy
God has promised to preserve Israel forever. Here is how the Almighty will deal with Gog and Magog.
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Conquering Our Kvetching
Steve Herzig
Are you a kvetch? If you are, here’s your reminder to stop complaining and start “setting the Lord before you.”
The Fight to Survive
Ty Perry
Here is a look at the State of Israel’s remarkable resilience throughout its history of defensive wars.
The Forgotten Ones
Les Crawford
The world talks incessantly about Arab refugees. But what about other refugees who lost everything—like the Jews?
Israel’s Never-Ending Struggle
Chris Katulka
Hamas. Hezbollah. The Palestinian Authority. Arab nations. Little Israel is oppressed by them all.
Bordering on Normal
Elliot Jager
Israel’s boundaries have changed often. Why have they yet to be sealed?
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Why Do You Love Israel?
Steve Herzig
Six German Bible students share why they love and support Israel.
The Truth About Sin
Richard D. Emmons
Sneaky. Insidious. Destructive. Deadly. That’s the nature of sin, and no one escapes its reach.
Israel’s Reconciliation
Jim Showers
God promises to place His salvation in
Zion “for Israel My glory.” But He also requires a few things from Israel.
The Great Forgiver
Bruce Scott
Here is a look at how God balances
justice and mercy—and how this balance affects us all.
The Way Back to God
Elwood McQuaid
Does this world get you down? If it does,
you’re not alone. But take heart. God has a plan that can satisfy your soul.
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Meet AI Jesus
Steve Herzig
Thanks to AI, you can talk to “Jesus” online for free. But is this a good thing?
A Boy Named David
Tom Simcox
Here is a look at the shepherd destined to become Israel’s king.
The Warrior King
Cameron Joyner
It’s one thing to fight for yourself. It’s another thing to fight like David.
The Sweet Psalmist of Israel
Steve Conover
Praise, lament, adoration, supplication—David’s psalms had all these and more.
A King After God’s Own Heart
Dan Price
David was God’s unlikely choice to help
build what one day will become the greatest Kingdom on Earth.
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It’s Not Luck—It’s Providence
Steve Herzig
The early arrival of an airplane and a VIP trip to the restroom reinforce a wonderful truth about God.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
Bruce Scott
God is in a class by Himself. He is distinct, singular, peerless, and perfect. He is kadosh—holy.
Bridging the Gaping Chasm
Ty Perry
The Israelites’ iniquities separated them from God, so God showed His people that only blood can bridge the gap.
God’s Holy Mishkan
David M. Levy
Here is why people need to understand the importance of Israel’s Tabernacle.
Holiness Today: The New Administration
Richard D. Emmons
God commanded Israel to be holy under the Law, and He expects the same of Christians in the Age of Grace.
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Dying to Live
Steve Herzig
A brush with death in virtual reality makes people wonder if there is life after death. Scripture provides the answer.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Elwood McQuaid
One of the Holy Spirit’s many ministries in your life keeps you under the shelter of the Almighty’s wings forever.
The Difference Between ‘Do’ and ‘Done’
Les Crawford
Here is a look at the insecurity other beliefs offer compared to biblical Christianity.
In Jesus’ Words
Paul Pierce
Is belief in eternal security a fallacy? Not if you listen to what Jesus had to say.
4 Common Misconceptions About Eternal Security
Dan Price
Struggling with eternal security? Here is why you can’t lose your salvation.
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‘Moshiach Is Here!’
Steve Herzig
Most Jewish people don’t believe in a Messiah. But some believe he already came as a New York rabbi.
Building Up, Not Tearing Down
Mike Stallard
Here is a look at how Luke and John relied on the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Jewishness of Peter
Cameron Joyner
The apostle Peter was Jewish through and through, and he depended on the Tanakh in his writings.
The Gospel of the King
Tom Simcox
What better way for Matthew to tell the Jewish people their King had come than by referencing the Jewish Scriptures?
3 Proofs and a Mystery
Meno Kalisher
The Old Testament was of critical importance to the apostle Paul and the writer of the book of Hebrews.
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Doing the Right Thing
Steve Herzig
How can we choose to do what’s right? By following the standard found in God’s Word.
Jerusalem of Gold
Bruce Scott
Welcome to the only city in the world where God has chosen to place His name!
Let’s Go to Israel!
FOI Staff
Join us on a journey through Israel! Our authors will take you on a special devotional tour of God’s beloved Holy Land. Along the way, you’ll discover the biblical significance of 15 historic
locations that tell the story of the beautiful land of Israel from Scripture.
Happy Birthday, Israel!
Elwood McQuaid
This year the Jewish state celebrates 75 years as a modern nation.
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God and Money
Steve Herzig
The Bible has more than 2,000 verses about money. This article explores the interesting world of giving.
David M. Levy
He was emotional, impulsive, and wicked—and he was the man Esther was forced to marry.
Dan Price
He was a hero in the book of Esther. But like most of us, he had another side as well.
Linda Craft
She was young and beautiful, but her courage was her crowning glory.
Tom Simcox
He was the archetypal antisemite—and he came to a fitting end.
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Finishing Without Regrets
Steve Herzig
A prominent doctor says most people die with three common regrets. Scripture tells us how to avoid that fate.
The Never-Ending Hatred
Ty Perry
Why does antisemitism refuse to die? What fuels this illogical, neverending hatred?
Villainous Antiochus
Les Crawford
Here is a look at the madman who tried to Hellenize the Jewish people and destroy Judaism before Jesus was born.
‘Away With Them!’
Bruce Scott
Jewish people have been expelled from country after country in yet another method of Jewish ethnic cleansing.
Pale of Settlement: Czarist Russia’s Giant Ghetto
Cameron Joyner
What do you do when you inherit a large Jewish population? Russia’s solution was to confine the Jews to the Pale.
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The Fallacy of Fictionalism
Steve Herzig
Why would an atheist pretend God exists—and even pray? Meet Mr. Hershovitz.
The Rest of the Story
Robert Gottselig
Yes, Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins. But He also had another reason for coming that is often overlooked.
5 Reasons Why Jesus Will Rapture His Church
Jesse King
As Christians, we look forward to the Rapture. But do we know why we’ll be raptured?
‘I Will Return’
Bruce Scott
Here is a look at why Jesus must—and will—come to Earth again!
Until He Comes
Paul Pierce
Jesus is coming soon. So what should His church be doing in the meantime?
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My Threescore and Ten
Steve Herzig
As he approaches his 70th birthday, the author examines Moses’ instruction, “Teach us to number our days.”
The Unlikely King
Cameron Joyner
Surprisingly dysfunctional family conditions shaped the formative years of the man who would be king.
The Richest Man on Earth
Bruce Scott
What was the secret to Solomon’s success? It wasn’t the self-absorbed claptrap so often touted today.
When Everything Went Wrong
David M. Levy
Four words can sum up King Solomon’s life. Two of them in particular led to his downfall.
A Taste of Tomorrow
Timothy Rabinek
Here is a look at how Solomon’s kingdom foreshadowed the Millennial reign of Christ.
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A Memorial and a Name
Steve Herzig
It’s critical that evangelical Christians understand the Holocaust, says Yad Vashem U.S. representative and pastor, Mark Jenkins.
The Child and the Seed
David M. Levy
Here is a look at the cosmic battle Satan is waging against God—and God’s protoevangelium.
The Woman Clothed With the Sun
Mike Stallard
Who is the “woman” in the apostle John’s strange vision? There is only one logical answer.
The Fiery Red Dragon
Bruce Scott
He’s a deceiver, despot, destroyer, and defamer. He’s the Devil, and he wants your soul.
Unsealing the Title Deed
Tom Simcox
There is a seven-sealed scroll in heaven, and only Jesus can open it.
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The Giant: A Preview of Revelation 13?
Steve Herzig
Some things the Bible talks about that seem far-fetched may be at our doorstep. The technology has arrived.
When Peace Fills the Earth
David M. Levy
Here is a look at the future New Covenant Kingdom, when God fulfills all the promises He made to Israel.
‘With All Your Heart and With All Your Soul’
Harold Summers
Moses foresaw his people’s rebellion and the eventual consequences. But he also foresaw that God would someday circumcise their hearts.
Israel’s New Covenant
Mike Stallard
While God was punishing Israel, He was still carrying out His eternal purpose to give the nation “a future and a hope” (Jer. 29:11).
How I Learned I Was Wrong
Linda Craft
What do you do when you’re teaching one thing and the Bible teaches another?
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Happy New Year!
Steve Herzig
Many people make resolutions at this time of year. But they usually miss the most important resolution of all.
The Bible: The Greatest Book Ever Written
David M. Levy
Sixty-six books that can change your life. Why? Because they form the indestructible Word of God.
Kingdom Now?
Bruce A. Baker
It depends on how you read.
When Is a Wolf Not a Wolf?
Richard D. Emmons
Here’s a look at how to know when to take the Bible literally and when to take it figuratively.
Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Bruce Scott
God is unchangeable, which makes His truth unchangeable, which makes His Word the bottom line.
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We Stand With Israel!
Steve Herzig
Not all evangelical Christians provide support to Israel for the right reasons—which is why they sometimes withdraw it.
The ‘Forbidden Chapter’
David M. Levy
Isaiah 53 is not usually read in synagogues, but it may be the most important text in the Old Testament.
From the Root of Jesse
Chris Katulka
Here is a look at how God taught His people to recognize their Messiah.
Christmas Is . . .
Tom Simcox
Most people don’t go to Isaiah 53 to learn the meaning of Christmas. But they could!
God’s Awesome, Immutable Plan
Harold Summers
Death, resurrection, substitutionary atonement. From eternity past, they’ve all been part of God’s grand design to redeem us.
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A Conversation With Joel Rosenberg
Steve Herzig
A New York Times bestselling author and Jewish believer discusses Bible prophecy, life in Israel, and the geopolitics of the Middle East.
Behold the Lamb!
Peter Colón
Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits have a great deal to teach us about the Messiah.
The Four Faces of Shavuot
Dan Price
Shavuot, also called Pentecost, is both a harvest festival and birthday rolled into one!
Holiday Under the Stars
Tom Simcox
God commanded His people to dwell in booths for seven days each year. And they still follow this tradition today at Sukkot.
‘Remember the Sabbath’
Bruce Scott
The Sabbath was meant to be a day of rest, but people have a way of complicating God’s intentions.
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The REAL Friend of Israel
Steve Herzig
Pro-Israel. Anti-Israel. America has plenty of both sentiments. Here’s a brief look at the country’s history with the Jewish people—and what lies ahead.
Job: Misery’s Poster Child
David M. Levy
Sometimes our lives change in an instant. But no one’s life changed for the worse quicker than that of God’s faithful servant Job.
The Wrong Trifecta
Mike Stallard
Providing comfort is not everyone’s forte, unfortunately. Here are three different ways Job’s friends made a mess of trying to help him.
What Not to Say
Dan Price
Handling God’s Word without wisdom can result in good theology going awry.
Can You?
Tom Simcox
God does not speak to Job until Job 38—and then He asks unanswerable questions.
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A Letter to My Dad
Steve Herzig
It’s not easy to tell your parents they need Jesus.
From Death to Life
The moving story of how God is healing addicts and prostitutes in Tel Aviv through faith in Christ.
Getting the ‘Package Deal’
Sarah Fern
No one is born a Christian. Not even a pastor’s daughter.
He Never Let Go
Betsi Calhoun
You can’t always tell when someone is saved. Here is how God brought a straying child back to the fold.
What Is the Gospel?
Tom Simcox
Many people don’t understand what we mean when we talk about the “gospel.” It’s the incomparable message of God’s restorative love.
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No Place Like Home
Steve Herzig
Aliyah is vital to Israel, and Jewish people make aliyah from all over the world for reasons non-Jews might not fully comprehend.
The Coming Conflagration
Bruce Scott
The apostle Peter has warned us: The “end of all things” is coming, and it’s up to us to be prepared.
Getting Serious About Talking to God
Peter Colón
We have the freedom to bring our concerns directly to the Almighty. Here is a look at why we should make the most of the great privilege of prayer.
The Secret to Serving Christ
Ty Perry
For Christians, good deeds cannot be an end in themselves. Successfully serving God requires more.
The Christian Thing to Do
Elwood McQuaid
Politics have turned toxic. But we must remember to “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
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Meditating on God
Steve Herzig
Will 2021 be a better year than 2020? No one knows. But as believers in Jesus, we have something special— no matter what happens.
The Great I AM
Tom Simcox
God’s promises depend on His supernatural ability to fulfill them. And He makes that ability abundantly clear.
The Father Knows Best
Harold Summers
Many people think God isn’t fair. But they don’t understand the vast difference between the potter and the clay.
The Future-Teller
David M. Levy
So-called psychics rake in millions of dollars each year. Yet only God knows the future, and here is why.
The Absurdity of Idolatry
Bruce Scott
Why worship something inanimate? But many people do and foolishly waste their time trying to replace God.
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