Through his personal experience, study of Scripture, and knowledge of all things Israel, Chris Katulka reveals the incomparable story of God’s love for His Chosen People throughout history.
Nestled between three Jewish enclaves in Buenos Aires, Argentina, our medical clinic provides every patient with personalized treatment from certified nurses and physicians, all at no cost to the patient.
Walk confidently through 2025 knowing we serve the one true God with our Israel in Focus calendar! Hide God’s Word in your heart each month while enjoying beautiful pictures of Israel’s most magnificent sights on each page of this 12-month calendar. Remember with expectant hope the faithfulness of the God we serve while praying for Israel and the Jewish people all year long!
Measures 8 ¾” X 10 ¾”
Code: C25
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In ancient times, a Jewish bridegroom would go to his fiancée’s home to take her as his wife. In the same way, Jesus came to earth to take the Church as His bride. This is but one of many meaningful correlations between ancient Jewish marriage customs and Jesus’ relationship to those who believe in Him. Find out more about this analogy and its significance in your life in this fascinating pamphlet by Dr. Renald E. Showers.
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Pamphlet, 16 pages, Code: T005
An absolutely brilliant way to teach Bible prophecy! Designed around colorful drawings, bold graphics, and easy-to-follow timelines, this unique work explains the books of Daniel and Revelation and other relevant texts using symbols that separate the futures of Israel, the church, and the nations. It’s prophecy in a way that everyone can understand.
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Paperback, 35 pages, Code: BF065
Have you ever wondered why the Jewish people have been scattered throughout the nations of the world more consistently than any other people? Why anti–Semitism persists in rearing its ugly head repeatedly throughout history? Why Nazism specifically targeted the Jewish people for genocide in the Holocaust of World War II? Why the Jews have endured despite all their persecutions? Why they tenaciously hold on to the land they presently occupy in the Middle East? Why the modern State of lsrael, despite its small size, is repeatedly the focus of the world's attention?
In this pamphlet by Renald Showers, the answers to these questions are found in certain basic facts about the nation of Israel. And knowledge of these facts is essential if you want to understand not only these issues, but God’s plan and purpose for history.
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Pamphlet, 20 Pages, Code: T012
From the scholarly pen of Victor Buksbazen comes an excellent witnessing tool on a premier section of the prophetic Hebrew Scriptures, Isaiah 52—53. This attractive gift-sized volume masterfully answers the all-important Jewish question, “Of whom did the prophet speak?” Of Israel, as many rabbis teach, or of Messiah? In a superb, verse-by-verse exposition, Dr. Buksbazen shows how Isaiah 53—a section of the Bible never read in the synagogue—speaks unequivocally of Jesus.
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Hardcover, 76 pages, Code: BF001
This popular and memorable depiction of heaven and hell by well-known artist William C. Ressler illustrates that Jesus Christ is the only bridge between Heaven and Earth, God and man, and our only hope of an eternity spent in glory with Him.
Poster, Overall size: 18” x 30”, Code: PBRI
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Is Dispensationalism truly a modern, relevant way to read and interpret the Bible? Many believe John Nelson Darby invented Dispensationalism in the 19th century, but this theological system of thought actually originates from widely known biblical truths taught for millennia.
Take a journey with Cory Marsh and James Fazio, professors at Southern California Seminary, and other theologians through the distinct milestones reflecting what would become known as Dispensationalism over 2,000 years of church history. The historical significance of this biblical-theological framework demonstrates that Dispensationalism, far from being “dead” or “fallen,” continues to shape Christian thought in the 21st century.
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Hardcover, 399 pages, Code: BP087
The absolute certainty of Christ’s return is proclaimed all through the Bible. God has given us many prophecies about this wonderful event to fill us with hope. In a world that is descending deeper into evil and darkness, Bible prophecy is God’s way of assuring us that, ultimately, goodness and righteousness will prevail.
One Day Nearer is a daily devotional that will encourage you each day with the great truths and promises found in Bible prophecy.
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Paperback, 384 pages, Code: BP084
God’s gift of Bible prophecy offers hope for the future and purpose in the present! From trusted writer and teacher Ron Rhodes comes The Complete Reference Guide to Bible Prophecy. This comprehensive overview of end-times events—from Rapture to eternity features answers to FAQs, visual charts, geography in the last days, historical insights, linguistic observations, and fast facts. Written in a clear and conversational tone, you’ll be sure to make this your go-to prophecy guide for years to come.
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Paperback, 512 pages, Code: BP089
How can we know that Jesus is the true Messiah?
From Genesis to Revelation, the Messiah is the central character of the Bible. In this eight-part series from The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, study the Scriptures concerning the fulfilled prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus.
Sessions include:
• The Promised One—Meeting the Messiah of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Feasts of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Law
• Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
• Messianic Prophecies of the Suffering Servant
• Messianic Prophecies of the Conquering King
• Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus' First Coming
• Messianic Prophecies to be Fulfilled in Jesus' Second Coming
Learn with anticipation of the glorious prophecies promised in His triumphal Second Coming!
Download the Free Companion Study Guide →
Streaming access to this teaching series is Available Here.In Canada? Order Here
Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 300 minutes, Code: V062
This fantastic guide to the Bible simplifies Scripture’s truths into easily understood teaching. Bursting with fresh illustrations, charts, and graphics, this beautiful resource highlights key themes, events, and applications from each book of the Bible. You’ll also find assuring insight on the reliability, translation, and preservation of Scripture. Get the most out of your study of God’s Word, and discover why every bit of the Bible matters for you today!
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Hardcover, 128 pages, Code: BP083
When it comes to the Holy Land, sometimes there seem to be more questions than answers. Are the Israelis occupiers and oppressors? What is the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
The bestselling book Who Owns the Land? was originally published in 1991 by Dr. Stanley Ellison and has recently been updated by Holy Land expert Charles H. Dyer. This insightful read provides knowledge behind the Arab-Israeli conflict, including recent events. Trace the journey of the Jewish people through history and understand the events that have led to the current situation in the Middle East today. Who Owns the Land? helps readers place the current Middle East conflict in its proper historical context and enables us to interpret current events in light of God’s Word.
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Paperback, 256 pages, Code: BP091
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