An absolutely brilliant way to teach Bible prophecy! Designed around colorful drawings, bold graphics, and easy-to-follow timelines, this unique work explains the books of Daniel and Revelation and other relevant texts using symbols that separate the futures of Israel, the church, and the nations. It’s prophecy in a way that everyone can understand.
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Paperback, 35 pages, Code: BF065
The relationship between Israel and the church continues to be a controversial topic led by one question: Does the church replace, supersede, or fulfill the nation of Israel in God’s plan, or will Israel be saved and restored with a unique identity and role? Michael J. Vlach supports the latter belief and explains in illuminated detail why “there are compelling scriptural reasons in both testaments to believe in a future salvation and restoration of the nation Israel.”
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Paperback, 228 pages, Code: BP033
With exceptional fidelity to Scripture, Dr. Showers tackles Bibliology and Christology—the doctrines of the Bible and Messiah. Learn what the Bible says about itself, why no other book in the world is like it, the differences between specific and common revelation, what the Bible teaches about Christ, and much more.
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Hardcover, 223 pages, Code: BF036
This poster, compiled by Thomas C. Simcox, is the perfect tool for presenting humanity’s need and God’s provision of salvation through Jesus Christ . . . using both the Old and New Testaments. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PGOS
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How can we know that Jesus is the true Messiah?
From Genesis to Revelation, the Messiah is the central character of the Bible. In this eight-part series from The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, study the Scriptures concerning the fulfilled prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus.
Sessions include:
• The Promised One—Meeting the Messiah of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Feasts of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Law
• Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
• Messianic Prophecies of the Suffering Servant
• Messianic Prophecies of the Conquering King
• Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus' First Coming
• Messianic Prophecies to be Fulfilled in Jesus' Second Coming
Learn with anticipation of the glorious prophecies promised in His triumphal Second Coming!
Download the Free Companion Study Guide →
Streaming access to this teaching series is also Available Here.
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Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 300 minutes, Code: V062
Get answers and gain clarity in this authoritative and reliable guide to messianic prophecy from some of the world’s foremost evangelical Old Testament scholars.
Essays on the big ideas and major themes surrounding messianic prophecy, commentary on virtually every passage in the Old Testament considered messianic, and insights into the original Hebrew are just a few features of this excellent resource. Watch the Scriptures come into full color as you gain new insight from familiar passages and further appreciate God’s masterful handiwork in preparing the way for Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah!
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Hardcover, 1440 pages, Code: BP065
There Is Hope encourages believers by detailing the wonderful events God has planned for His church. Learn how the church is programmed for a sudden departure, is going where death has no domain, has no reason to fear the Antichrist, and should look beyond His "Coming with Clouds."
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Paperback, 144 pages, Code: BF014
Walk from creation to eternity in a compact, exciting, easy-to-read format guaranteed to change the way you look at the world. This revised edition is packed with new material to help you understand the war Satan is waging against God and how that conflict affects history, the persecution of Jewish people and Christians, and the direction the world is heading.
Also available is the Companion Study Guide.
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Paperback, 144 pages, Code: BF025
This companion study guide accompanies the book, "What on Earth is God Doing?" by Renald E. Showers. Sold separately.
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Paperback, 32 pages, Code: BF026