Jesus told His disciples to keep watch in anticipation of His return. But what should we be watching for?
Discover 12 signs in the world today that foreshadow Christ’s Second Coming. Steve Miller details specific modern trends connected to globalism, Jewish and Christian persecution, and modern technology that align with biblical prophecy. Studying these trends will help deepen your trust in Jesus and His promise to come again.
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Paperback, 336 pages, code: BP075
Hebrews has so much to teach us about our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our High Priest, the God-Man, the Messiah. Hebrews teaches these truths while encouraging Jewish believers to remain strong in their faith in Jesus despite persecution. David Levy provides biblical insight into the book through his expertise in theology and biblical history. Covering every verse and major message of Hebrews, this commentary is an exceptional tool for understanding each wonderful truth found in this epistle.
Paperback, 196 pages, Code: BF049
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What’s the secret to Israel’s unlikely endurance for thousands of years? God’s faithfulness!
The Friends of Israel’s Chris Katulka takes you through the unforgettable story of Israel’s past, present, and prophetic future in Israel Always. Through his personal experience, study of Scripture, and encyclopedic knowledge of all things Israel, Chris reveals the incomparable story of God’s love for His Chosen People throughout history. Along the way you’ll discover the richness of Jewish culture and traditions, Israel’s future in the Middle East, and the depth of God’s love for all His people—including you!
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Paperback, 272 pages, Code: BP078
Believers rejoice in the Bible’s description of the glorious New Jerusalem. Standing in stark contrast to this city is the dreaded New Babylon—a pagan, sinful headquarters for the Antichrist’s world government in the end-times. Thanks to extensive prophecies in Revelation about this city, we can know how it will fulfill ancient prophecy and bring about events that will lead to Christ’s reign on Earth. With this detailed look at New Babylon and its ultimate fate, you can have security in God’s plan for the future.
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Paperback, 272 pages, Code: BP063
This popular and memorable depiction of heaven and hell by well-known artist William C. Ressler illustrates that Jesus Christ is the only bridge between Heaven and Earth, God and man, and our only hope of an eternity spent in glory with Him.
Poster, Overall size: 18” x 30”, Code: PBRI
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Delight in little ones refrains of “He is Risen” as they learn about the miraculous events of Jesus’s last days and the good news of Easter. Packed with fascinating faith-building facts, poetic prose, and illuminating illustrations, this uniquely creative board book will be a go-to Easter resource year after year.
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Board Book, 20 pages, Age 0-4 years, Code: BP086
The concept of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is extremely difficult for us to understand. Throughout history people have tried to explain the triunity of God, but many still find the idea incomprehensible. Why? Because it seems illogical. It transcends our knowledge and reason---yet it does not contradict reason.
What you believe about God affects your life now and your eternal destiny in the future. This excellent pamphlet from David Levy breaks down and explains the triunity of God in a way that makes perfect sense and will equip you to explain this important concept to others!
written by David Levy
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Code: T027
“But who do you say that I am?” Jesus asked this question 2,000 years ago. However, today it is the most critical question you will ever answer. How would you answer it? Can you answer it correctly?
Who is Jesus? is a step-by-step pamphlet that guides Christians as they come alongside their friends and ask important questions about Jesus and who He says He is.
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Code: T002
The Bible holds the fascinating stories of Israel’s divinely appointed kings and prophets. Now you can watch these stories come to life with new archaeological breakthroughs! See the evidence for biblical battles, the bones of kings, Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem, and an artifact called “the first bill of human rights.” Each discovery testifies to the truth and glory of God’s Word, and this DVD will help you understand Scripture as the real history of God’s Chosen People.
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Format: DVD, region free NTSC, subtitles available, approx. 82 minutes, CBN Films, Code: V054)