This 8 CD set contains all 16 messages from our 2014 Prophecy Conference season.
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Code: AS14CD
This MP3 CD contains all 16 messages on one CD. Please note: This CD will only work in CD players designated as MP3 CD Players.
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Code: AS14MP
The Bible promises you will have tribulation in this world. But when you feel you’ve hit rock bottom, remember you have an anchor to secure you through your pain: Jesus!
Stay anchored with this DVD featuring all seven teaching sessions as a reminder that Christ will secure you in your darkest days. You’ll hear messages of encouragement discussing the hope we have both in hard times and happy ones:
God’s Word has the hope we all need, and this DVD will assure you of His promises to anchor our souls in turbulent times.
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(Format: 2-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, approx. 255 minutes, Code: V040)
Christ is coming again soon! But what are the warning signs we should be looking for? And what lies ahead for believers? AWAKEN will energize and excite you as you await Jesus’ return. The Friends of Israel’s Bible teachers share six sessions of important teachings from 1 and 2 Thessalonians to encourage and equip you for the coming Day of the Lord, the Rapture of the church, and the restoration of God’s Kingdom. Each message explains the true nature of the end times according to Scripture, gives you a greater appreciation for God’s grace and deliverance in your life, and teaches you how to live in light of Christ’s imminent arrival!
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(Format: 1-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, 198 minutes, Code: V042)
Did you know that the end of the Bible mirrors the beginning? The first two chapters of Genesis and the last two chapters of Revelation share uncanny similarities—perfection in a garden, the Tree of life, and God dwelling in harmony with man. Trace the journey that takes us from Eden to Eden in the world’s greatest story: God’s plan for the ages.
Enjoy four powerful sessions from The Friends of Israel’s Bible teachers about the restoration and redemption God will bring to this broken world!
• The Garden Created and Corrupted
• God's Epic Restoration Plan
• A Journey Toward Redemption
• The Garden Resurrected and Restored
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(Format: DVD, Closed Caption, Code: V056)
Why is it that Israel is still standing ...
... after millennia of attacks, and innumerable enemies whose sole purpose was not just to destroy the people of Israel—but to annihilate them?
Why, when October 7 happened, did it rightfully crush the souls of every Jewish person, but not wipe out their strength completely?
Explore these profound questions with our DVD, Israel's Resilience: The Struggle to Survive. Dive deep into the history, the future, and the ongoing struggle for Israel’s survival. Come study the Scriptures with our passionate Bible teachers to discover the source of Israel’s undying strength in four captivating sessions:
• The Restoration: Jewish Return of the Land
• The Rejection: Muslim and Christian Replacement Theology
• The Spiritual War: Israel, Ground Zero of the War
• The Resolution: Messiah’s Deliverance
Be encouraged that God’s faithfulness for His Chosen People remains–not only for today, but forever.
Streaming access to this teaching series is Available Here.
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(Format: DVD, Closed Caption, Code: V060)
God loves Israel and the Jewish people! He called them to a special purpose and has sustained them throughout countless attempts to destroy them and their home. This DVD will help you understand the Jewish people and what the Bible says about them, and it will help you love Israel the way God does.
Join The Friends of Israel Bible teachers Jim Showers and Mike Stallard as you discover Israel’s incomparable story, including:
• Israel’s Unique Calling
• Israel’s Miracle in the Middle East
• Israel’s Travail and Triumph
• Israel’s Divine Destiny
Journey through the past, present, and future of Israel to learn about the Jewish people’s trials, triumphs, and ultimate destiny.
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(Format: DVD, Closed Caption, Code: V055)
Jerusalem is the most important city in the history of the world. Take a look into its future with our Jerusalem in Prophecy DVD.
Become an expert today with enriching, Biblical content that will teach you:
With 12 sessions of invaluable teaching, Jerusalem in Prophecy will make it clear that knowing what the Bible teaches about Jerusalem is essential for every Christian.
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(Format: DVD, Closed Caption, Code: V053)
What happens after we die? The Bible has the answers! In this Prophecy Up Close Conference DVD, FOI executive director, Jim Showers, and director of International Ministries, Mike Stallard, describe and explain the final realm of God’s Kingdom and help us look forward to what is to come for believers in Jesus!
Includes 4 Sessions:
**Bonus!** Companion discussion questions available at Great for small groups, Sunday School, or personal use!
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(Format: DVD, Closed Caption, approx. 162 minutes, Code: V038)
Repairing Our World? Israel Through the Ages
This 8 CD set contains all 15 messages from our 2016 Prophecy Conference season.
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Code: AS16CD
Repairing Our World? Israel Through the Ages
This MP3 CD contains all 15 messages on one CD. Please note: This CD will only work in CD players designated as MP3 CD Players.
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Code: AS16MP
Discover God’s rhythms of redemption in this insightful study of the biblical feasts of Israel!
As you hear about the feasts God gave to the Jewish people, you’ll learn about His glorious plans for restoration and redemption. Enjoy eight memorable sessions of teaching from The Friends of Israel’s prophecy conference about the Hebrew calendar and its biblical holidays:
• The Jewish Holiday Calendar
• Passover
• The Feast of Unleavened Bread
• The Feast of Firstfruits
• Shavuot
• Rosh Hashanah
• Yom Kippur
• Sukkot
Uncover the Jewish roots of your faith as you learn how each feast can help you draw closer to the Lord!
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(Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 277 minutes, Code: V057)
This year at our annual prophecy conferences in Winona Lake, IN and Lancaster, PA, our Bible teachers delivered compelling, in-depth messages from the book of Daniel as we studied how a servant of the Lord can still love righteously in a wicked world.
Now you can own these audio highlights for yourself. With our 2017 Prophecy Conference collection, you can enjoy all 15 sessions that cover the entire book of Daniel over and over again.
Companion Study Notes Free Download »
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Code: AI17DL
*After purchase, the download link will be available in your transaction history when logged in to your store profile.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1-22)
This 8 CD set contains all 15 messages from our 2015 Prophecy Conference season.
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Code: AS15CD
The Bible has much to say about the Kingdom of God and the Messiah’s role in restoring God’s Kingdom on earth. And yet many today are uncertain and confused about the Kingdom. It doesn’t have to be complicated! Join FOI’s outstanding Bible teachers to discover what the Bible says about the Kingdom of God—today and in the future.
Conference Messages and Speakers:
• Messiah’s Words on the Kingdom—Chris Katulka • What Moses Says About the Kingdom—Steve Herzig • What the Prophets Say About the Kingdom—Ty Perry • The Apostolic Teachings of the Kingdom— Dan Price • The Kingdom of God Restored — Already or Not Yet?—Mike Stallard • The Kingdom in the New Heavens and New Earth—Jim Showers
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(Format: 2-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, 218 minutes, Code: V044)
How can we know that Jesus is the true Messiah?
From Genesis to Revelation, the Messiah is the central character of the Bible. In this eight-part series from The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, study the Scriptures concerning the fulfilled prophecies of the First Coming of Jesus.
Sessions include:
• The Promised One—Meeting the Messiah of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Feasts of Israel
• Messianic Prophecies in the Law
• Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
• Messianic Prophecies of the Suffering Servant
• Messianic Prophecies of the Conquering King
• Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus' First Coming
• Messianic Prophecies to be Fulfilled in Jesus' Second Coming
Learn with anticipation of the glorious prophecies promised in His triumphal Second Coming!
Download the Free Companion Study Guide →
Streaming access to this teaching series is Available Here.In Canada? Order Here
Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 300 minutes, Code: V062
At our 2018 annual Prophecy Conference, our Bible teachers delivered compelling, in-depth messages from Matthew 24-25 as we studied the well-known, but often misunderstood, Olivet Discourse. We opened the Scriptures and examined what Christ told His disciples regarding the future and the direction in which the world is moving.
Now you can own these audio highlights for yourself. With our 2018 Prophecy Conference collection, you can enjoy all 15 sessions that cover the Olivet Discourse over and over again. This conference highlights download is sure to be a valuable addition to your personal Bible study resources for years to come!
Companion Study Notes Free Download »
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Code: AI18DL
*After purchase, the download link will be available in your transaction history when logged in to your store profile.
At our 2018 annual Prophecy Conference, our Bible teachers delivered compelling, in-depth messages from Matthew 24-25 as we studied the well-known, but often misunderstood, Olivet Discourse. We opened the Scriptures and examined what Christ told His disciples regarding the future and the direction in which the world is moving.
Now you can own these audio highlights for yourself. With our 2018 Prophecy Conference collection, you can enjoy all 15 sessions that cover the Olivet Discourse over and over again. These conference highlights on MP3 are sure to be a valuable addition to your personal Bible study resources for years to come!
Companion Study Notes Free Download »
Code: AS18MP
As our world leans toward chaos and godlessness, you might be wondering just how close we are to Christ’s return. The book of Revelation is filled with the information we need to find peace in these times, but maybe you’ve struggled to understand its prophecies. Let us help you understand!
Become an expert in the eternal truths of Revelation with this DVD’s eight sessions. Through this study you’ll find clarity for your future from the Word of God. Follow along with our speakers Steve Herzig, Jim Showers, Chris Katulka, and Mike Stallard as we study:
• The Promises and Warnings for Today • The Lion, The Lamb & The Scroll • The Rebellion & The Redeemer • The Divine Mission of Israel • The Counterfeit Trinity • The World's Last Breath • The King's Return • The Ultimate Ending
Don’t go another day without assurance of the hope-filled future you can look forward to in the ultimate ending.
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(Format: 2-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, 269 minutes, Code: V041)
Biblical Insights Into the Global Transformation
With eight sessions of faithful scriptural teaching from our 2023 Proclaim conference, this study of the coming one-world government, the Antichrist, the mark of the Beast, Armageddon, and more reveals the Devil’s schemes and how our sovereign God will defeat him forever. You will find your faith and knowledge of God’s Word strengthened through this DVD’s reassuring truths!
Download the Free Companion Study Guide →
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Format: 2-disc DVD, Closed Caption, 277 minutes, Code: V059
The Kingdom of God is foundational to every aspect of God's plan for mankind, but most Christians are confused about this topic. Incorrect and misleading theology has left us filled with faulty knowledge and unanswered questions on the subject. So what can we do?
Fill in the gaps and study God’s plan for His creation and the final eternal state for mankind. Recorded during our Winona Lake conference sessions, enjoy teachings from our most popular speakers like Jim Showers, Chris Katulka, Mike Stallard, and Steve Herzig as they go in-depth on studies like:
And many more!
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(Format: Download, approx. run time: 8 hours 45 minutes, Code: AI19DL)
*After purchase, the download link will be available in your transaction history when logged in to your store profile.
The Kingdom of God is foundational to every aspect of God's plan for mankind, but most Christians are confused about this topic. Incorrect and misleading theology has left us filled with faulty knowledge and unanswered questions on the subject. So what can we do?
Fill in the gaps and study God’s plan for His creation and the final eternal state for mankind. Recorded during our Winona Lake conference sessions, enjoy teachings from our most popular speakers like Jim Showers, Chris Katulka, Mike Stallard, and Steve Herzig as they go in-depth on studies like:
And many more!
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(Format: CD, all 15 messages, approx. run time: 8 hours 45 minutes, Code: AS19CD)
The Kingdom of God is foundational to every aspect of God's plan for mankind, but most Christians are confused about this topic. Incorrect and misleading theology has left us filled with faulty knowledge and unanswered questions on the subject. So what can we do?
Fill in the gaps and study God’s plan for His creation and the final eternal state for mankind with audio and video filmed at our Winona Lake conference sessions. Enjoy teachings from our most popular speakers like Jim Showers, Chris Katulka, Mike Stallard, and Steve Herzig as they go in-depth on studies like:
And many more!
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(Format: 3-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, approx. run time: 8 hours 45 minutes, Code: VS19DVD)
The Kingdom of God is the foundation of the hope the prophets offer in the Old Testament. It’s the joy that Jesus offers to Israel in the New Testament. It’s a glorious promise to believers everywhere. Still, the nature of this kingdom remains a mystery to many. Is the Kingdom a literal or spiritual kingdom? Is it still coming, or has it already come? How can I know what to look for?
The DVD will help fill in the gaps and study God’s plan for His creation and the final eternal state for mankind with audio and video filmed at our Winona Lake conference sessions. In the accompanying book, you’ll see God’s Kingdom laid out in His covenants with Moses and David, in Jesus’ parables and sermons, in the church age, and in His plan for believers.
Includes one 3-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, approx. run time: 8 hours 45 minutes, and one book, Paperback, 160 pages.