Trevor & Maggie Stewart-Sweet (UK)

Field Representative / Chesham, United Kingdom


Trevor Stewart-Sweet and his wife, Maggie, have served with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry since 2016. They connect with their Jewish neighbors by attending special services and memorial events. Trevor regularly partners with religious and secular Jewish organizations and advocates for the Jewish community. His work in teaching and leading Bible studies, Israel in Focus meetings, FOI Bridges online classes, and tours through the historic Jewish area of the East End of London is vital to combatting antisemitism. They are excited as God is opening doors for them to expand their ministry into Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Code: SI047

UK residents, please CLICK HERE to give in Sterling Pound.

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It is our practice at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to use gifts as designated for the support of specific workers and projects. However, to ensure gifts are tax-deductible, federal law requires us to maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.