Israeli Soldier Aid

Serve Those Who Serve in Israel

The brave young men and women of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) work hard to defend the diverse civilian population of Israel. The Israeli military doesn’t provide all of the necessities for each soldier that you might expect from other militaries. In Israel, families are expected to pick up the slack for things like socks, boots, toiletries, winter clothing, sunglasses, and even things like meals, laundry, and showers. When you give to our Israel Soldier Aid, you are providing basic needs for soldiers throughout Israel through communities of believers like the Jerusalem Assembly and Rehovot Kehila (community). Your gift helps support brave IDF soldiers and also helps minister in Christian love through the body of Christ in Israel.

Please note: All aid is strictly humanitarian and does not apply toward tactical gear, ammunition, or weapons.

Code: PR596

Gift Amount (USD)


It is our practice at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to use gifts as designated for the support of specific workers and projects. However, to ensure gifts are tax-deductible, federal law requires us to maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.