FOI Equip Online

Edify the Body of Christ

Did you know the Bible you read is a Jewish book from Genesis to Revelation? It tells the story of God’s Chosen People and His plan to bring salvation to the whole world through Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. The more you learn about the Jewishness of the Bible, the greater your love for Jesus will grow.

These online classes are open to anyone around the world—including you! Thousands participate in more than 20 classes offered each year. To keep these classes available to the public, provide excellent content, and meaningfully educate, we need your help! Your gift will provide resources and teachers, enrich the body of Christ with a deeper understanding of the Jewish roots of our faith, and foster a greater love for Jesus and His Word.

Join us in this mission to edify the body of Christ. Your support will nurture faith and expand knowledge for thousands of individuals around the world.

If you reside in Canada, please give here.

Code: PR583

Gift Amount (USD)


It is our practice at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to use gifts as designated for the support of specific workers and projects. However, to ensure gifts are tax-deductible, federal law requires us to maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.