Claude Hurt (New York)

Field Ministries Representative / New York City, New York


What is unique to your role at The Friends of Israel?

I sincerely hope that my presence in the New York City metropolitan area and as a representative of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry will make a significant difference in our ministry to the Jewish communities here in the city. It is also my hope that FOI will now be afforded opportunities to reach out to the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Jewish communities and to demonstrate a love and compassion for our Jewish friends that is sorely needed at a time when worldwide antisemitism and hatred for the Jewish people is growing. I believe with all my heart that New York City is, and has been, a special place of refuge for God’s Chosen People, and that any ministry to our Jewish brethren here in the city is ordained of God and furtherance to His great plan of redemption. God has decreed that one day all Israel will be saved and that through their salvation will come the salvation of the rest of the world (Rom. 11:12, 25–27).

What inspires you most to do what you do for FOI?

In the early years of my biblical training, I was blessed to have a wonderful Bible teacher who introduced me to Isaiah 40:1, 2; “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” To this day, I can still hear the voice of my beloved Bible teacher, Rev. Burl Haynie, passionately sharing these verses with me as we often studied the book of Isaiah. As the years have passed, his vision and ministry of comfort to the Jewish people have also become my vision and ministry. I hope my presence and work with FOI here in the city will afford me many opportunities to share God’s love and message of comfort to the Jewish people.

What is one bit of wisdom you have for those who want to share the love of the Messiah with others?

Now more than ever, as we see the time of Jacob's trouble approaching, we must seek to share the Good News with our Jewish friends. It is vital to share the love of God through the Old Testament Scriptures. I would encourage anyone serious about ministering to our Jewish friends to memorize Old Testament Scriptures that point to Jesus as the Messiah. Your testimony and witness to one of our Jewish friends today may not result in their immediate salvation. Still, God may use it in the days ahead to bring that person to faith in the Messiah as we see the time of Jacob’s trouble quickly approaching (Mt. 24:5–14).

What Scripture compels you the most to do what you do?

Daniel 12:3, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.”

Matthew 23:37, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathered her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

These are the Scriptures that I think about often as I consider a gospel ministry to the Jewish people.

Who is the most influential person in your spiritual life?

I moved to New York City to attend Columbia University in 1974. In 1976, I began to fellowship at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan and immediately started attending the Sunday school class of Rev. Burl Haynie, who had also served in Jewish ministry. Rev. Haynie was, and always will be, the servant of God who taught me the Holy Scriptures and gave me a real love for Israel. During this time, Rev. Haynie introduced me to Jewish ministry and faithfully taught me the Old and New Testament for the next 17 years. I met Arnold Fruchtenbaum through him, whom Rev. Haynie also taught in his early Christian life. My spiritual journey also took me to Camp Shoshanah in the Adirondack mountains, where, on many occasions, I sat under the solid Bible teaching ministry of Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Rev. Haynie, and others, who continued to teach me to love and minister to God’s Chosen People.

What books have you read (other than the Bible) that have impacted your spiritual life most?

Footsteps of Messiah and Israeology by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, The Messianic Series (7 volumes) by Dr. David L. Cooper, and Time of Jacob’s Trouble Approaching by Rev. Burl Haynie.


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