Bruce & Janet Scott (Arizona)

Program Ministries Director / Phoenix, Arizona

What is unique to your role at The Friends of Israel?

I direct Program Ministries. Program Ministries provides real-time ministry opportunities for those Christians who want to serve Israel and the Jewish people through programs such as ORIGINS and Hesed.

What inspires you most to do what you do for FOI?

I do what I do because I love to serve Israel and the Jewish people. By providing opportunities for other Christians to do the same, I have the privilege of seeing God change their lives forever. That brings me great satisfaction.

What is one bit of wisdom you have for those who want to share the love of the Messiah with others?

Undergirding all of the following with prayer, 1) Be filled with the Holy Spirit because you cannot reach others in your own strength; 2) Be authentic, demonstrating by your actions what you say with your words; and 3) Be patient as you establish and develop long-term friendships.

What Scripture compels you the most to do what you do?

"LORD, save Your people, the remnant of Israel!" (Jeremiah 31:7).

Who is the most influential person in your spiritual life? What books have you read (other than the Bible) that have impacted your spiritual life most?

Most influential person: Mr. Abe Penner, my former Bible college teacher and mentor, who exemplified, more than any other person I knew, how to walk daily, by faith, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Impactful books: Principles of Spiritual Growth by Miles J. Stanford; The Saving Life of Christ by Major W. Ian Thomas

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